When looking at each candidate for the 2008 United States Presidential election it is easy to say wowww! The United States citizen’s money will not be spent well. Currently the National Debt is around 9 trillion each year the United States is paying over 400 billion in interest (and by the way a lot of the debt to China) It is difficult for a President to change much (taking something from Ben Stein on CBS in the morning- it is up to the individual to make themselves happier, smarter, healthy and he claims wealthier), I argue if you never see that money you make then you can not become wealthy the president can effect the amount of money you see from your pay check and the candidates that are in the running right now I would not trust with my money-. Obama "Provide a Tax Cut for Working Families: Obama will restore fairness to the tax code and provide 150 million workers the tax relief they need. Obama will create a new "Making Work Pay" tax credit of up to $500 per person, or $1,000 per working family. The "Making Work Pay" tax credit will completely eliminate income taxes for 10 million Americans." (From Obama's website) Where is Obama going to get the money to just stop taxing 10 million Americans? And giving a tax credit to over 150 million Americans also seems like a difficult task that no president should attempt to tackle. Clinton wants to Increase the NIH (National Institute of Health) budget by 50% over 5 years and aim to double it over 10 years (Clinton website). I am all for having a good na great health care system (oh and a couple of the Republican candidates believe we already have the best health care system in the world I say to them the Nordic countries) but it is hard when our economy is struggling like it is today to throw money into the health care industry. Once we have some on hand money we could spend it. If John Edwards would become the President of the United States, then money will be flying out of Americans pockets faster than Dick Chaney could grab his NitroGlycerin when he is experiencing chest pains. Edwards wants to have Universal Health care (a great ultimate goal but not yet Johnny)- Edwards also wants to "increase the reward for working by raising the minimum wage to at least $9.50 an hour by 2012" (Edwards website) By dramatically increase minimum wage it would cause the Corporations of America to look else where to put there plants/ or franchise’s therefore sending a great deal of industries (which could be taxed by America) abroad. That is just one ramification of a raised minimum wage. It is a nice idea to make sure that no one is poor in America, but I think it ends with just that an Idea. Bill Richardson (currently my favorite candidate) I think he would make a great VP for Bloomberg or maybe even Ron Paul. The Republican candidates also do not seem to be the ones that will turn around the American economy. Especially Giuliani he wants to dramatically increase the size of our military- I have no clue where he is getting the money for that (do you?). On his website under his issues it seems as though he is very strong on the issue of increasing every aspect of defense. All I have to say about Romney and MacCain is that they support Bush's fiscal policies if we are 9 trillion in debt today 4 years from now we will be even MORE in debt if we continue to follow Bush. Huckabee well if you do not plan on buying anything big in the next four years he would be a great candidate, he wants to get rid of income taxes all together and just charge huge sales taxes. What it all boils down to is Bloomberg, the man who built a billion dollar corporation. When New York is in rough times Bloomberg knows where the money needs to go (this fact is proven in a New York Observer article published in September (http://www.mikebloomberg.com/en/news/bloombergs_smart_spending) Bloomberg has created bond ratings for the City to leavals that have never been before seen AA- (http://www.mikebloomberg.com/en/issues/fiscal_responsibility/statement_by_mayor_michael_r_bloomberg_on_third_upgrade_of_new_york_citys_bond_rating_in_the_las. If I were to trust anyone with my money it would be Mike Bloomberg. For a nation that is in hard time financially it would be best to have a president that has proven him/herself with money time and time again. Bloomberg is that guy and he will continue to be that guy for New York City it is high time for NYC to share there fiscally savvy leader with the rest of the country. Bloomberg 08 is the best choice for a sound economy in the years to come!
GO SUPPORT HIM AT http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/bloomberg08nyc/index.html
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