Come on who wouldn't vote for this guy?

Now he looks like he knows something...

Very V.P.edental
Smart move by Bloomberg!
If, na When Bloomberg decides to run, which is looking more and more possible with a win by Hilary in the New Hampshire primary, and the republican party split as wide open as my car with all the windows down and if it was a convertible. All these factors make it more and more likely that Bloomberg will make a run for the White House. His smart move happens to be that before he officially runs he will have his running mate picked. This makes sense because for an independent to get on the ballot is very difficult, so going back to all the states and get his running mate on will be another pain that Mike will not have to deal with. Possible choices for his running mates I mean, other than Arnold (not a real choice but that would be neat to have the VPanator) is Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb and Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Ga. Alright right now any thing is possible. What needs to happen though is Bloomberg will need 74,108 signatures in Texas to get on the ballot so lets start that now! People in Texas who want the best candidate you might as well begin getting petitions signed for Mike.
For more info on this http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/editorial/outlook/5486973.html
GO SUPPORT HIM AT http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/bloomberg08nyc/index.html and http://draftbloomberg.com/
or just on this site sign the petition!
There's a new group starting to draft Bloomberg for NY governor. I hope you'll consider joining!
I believe Bloomberg for Governor of New York is excellent. If you need any volunteer asisting please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 773.946.2387 or vashonmc2005@yahoo.com.
Do you have current information for his campaign headquarters to volunteer for his next Mayorial bid. I would love to volunteer with my direct support. I can be reached by mail at 1562 VYSE AVENUE-BSMT APT. BRONX, NEW YORK 10460.
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