Bloomberg recently made a statement saying that it would be good for America if Gore ran for president. I do think that Gore would be a good choice and for Bloomberg to recognize that proves that he has good taste. But he is selling himself short because no choice is better than himself! The full article can be read at nytimes.com http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/04/25/bloomberg-for-gore/#comment-506205
Bloomberg vs. Gore
Bloomberg better with money
Gore better with environment
Bloomberg direct affect on me
Gore will have no immediate direct affect on me
If you want to be happy in the next 8 years push for Bloomberg if you want your grandkids to be happy go with Gore.
This does not mean that Bloomberg would be bad for the government he just has yet to win a noble peace prize for the environment.
GO SUPPORT HIM AT http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/bloomberg08nyc/index.html
If Steve Forbes is to be believed, Al Gore will endorse Michael Bloomberg for President. His most likely running-mate will be Chuck Hagel.
You can goto my website, RunMikeRun.com, and read about other possible endorsements, like Jack Welch and John Bogle.
Electing Bloomberg for president will not be easy, but it is winnable.
Unlike Perot before him, Mike Bloomberg is willing to put his money where his mouth is. Perot only pledged to spend $65M on his 1992 presidential run, and then got cheap, didn't run any TV, and didn't even spend his whole budget. Bloomberg, on the other hand, spent over $70M of his own money on each of his New York mayoral races, and has said he would be willing to spend between $500M to $2B on a presidential run. He could theoretically spend more than both major parties combined.
Put a great candidate, major business community endorsements, and maverick endorsements from a few in each major party, and throw a couple billion dollars behind it, and Mike could pull this off. It may be a long shot, but with great risk come great reward.
On, and as far as the environment goes, Bloomberg has done more for the environment than even Gore. Gore has done a lot of talking and raised awareness. Bloomberg has walked the walk and made New York City the greenest city in the world, and the world center for green structural engineering in the process.
Run Mike Run!
I am with you 100% Bloomberg would certainly spend the whole 500million if he were to run and I am to believe that he will by march!
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